Monday, January 3, 2011

a new day

The new year has started off pretty well. I got some supplies for all the art and craft projects I have going. Im working on making pillows for friends. I started this morning making two matching pillows for our old housemates christmas present. I know Im late, but it woudnt be me if i wasnt late on something LOL
I found this material at Odunde a while ago and I thought she would like it. Im really hoping she does! Shes been working really hard lately, on herself her house and so has her husband with his extensive college studies. I think a new little decorative pillow or two for their  newly remodled home will be a nice gift.
Talons studies are going great, he is LOVING to learn, I have been trying the new approach (since he is super excited to super self motivated) to let him guide his own studies and its been going great! Hes still learning everything (ahead of the usual kindergarten curriculam) so there is no worries. HEs not falling behind, hes actually  extremely ahead!)  Eve is enjoying her new baby dolls, she likes to hold them, feed them their bottles, (they watched my cousin feeding her baby bottles and now they think its fun, though im hoping they start "nursing" their little ones again cause its so much better for the baby hahaha! )when she isnt taking off all of her clothes and running away laughing shes climbing, stacking and pumbeling her big brother.
 Ive also been deep cleaning and reorganizing my entire house! it is so FREEING to get rid of old stuff and clean out the old junk and dirt. I feel like a whole new ME! even though its my house. But its working on overcoming this depression and  hey if it works it works. Im going with it. I also still call my friend or atleast try to wheni have a free moment. she seems still mad at me (what did i do exactly?) but whatever. I know Im doing my best and that is all that matters. I also havent yelled or spanked in two days. The kids are much better for it, talon hasnt even done anything wrong in atleast a few hours (har har har)  Maybe Im on to something. I may not have alot of trust in humans these days but my trust is still in my faith and with that, Im doing all right.